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tv   The Kelly File  FOXNEWSW  October 22, 2014 9:00pm-10:01pm PDT

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opine. word of the day, do not be drafish when writing to "the factor." ms. megyn is next.m bill o'reil. please remember, the spin stops here cause we're definitely looking out for you. breaking tonight, america ramping up security measures here at home after a terrorist attack on our neighbor to the north leaves one canadian soldier dead, one suspect dead and one or more possibly still at large. good evening and welcome to a very busy "the kelly file," everyone. i'm megyn kelly. at this hour the fbi has all of its field offices on a higher alert posture. nor rad is increasing its alert readiness and the number of planes ready to respond to a threat. the u.s. embassy in ottawa is on lockdown. the canadian embassy in washington, d.c. also on lockdown at this hour. the nypd here in new york
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reported reportedly ramping up security to the canadian consulate. all this after an attack was unleashed around 10:00 a.m. a man approached the war memorial there similar to our tomb of the unknown soldier, the shooter walked up to the uniformed soldier who patrols with an unloaded gun and shot him multiple times in the chest. then after raising his arms in triumph and heard to shout something unintelligible, headed to the nearby parliament building and all hell broke loose. police ran into the building chasing a man we now know to be named michael zehaf-bibeau. officials say he is a recent convert to islam, just as the man who killed another canadian soldier on monday was a recent convert to islam. just as canada releases a man
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urging people to avoid "false linkages between islam and terrorism." former cia agent buck sexton is here in a moment with more on that. the shooter was reportedly wearing a white scarf around his face and was armed with a rifle. watch the cameras roll as police caught up with him inside the parliament building. [ gunfire ] >> the gunman was shot to death by the sergeant at arms of that building. they kept the parliament locked
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down for almost 12 hours not knowing whether there were other suspects out there. and that is still somewhat in question at this hour. look at this. look at the door inside of this parliament building. this is a picture of the lawmakers barricading themselves inside the entrance to the chamber. both the fbi and the department of homeland security are working with the canadians to run down leads. late today president obama suggested this should be a warning. >> we don't yet have all the information about what motivated the shooting. we don't yet have all the information about whether this was part of a broader network or fan or whether this was an individual or series of individuals who decided to take these actions, but it emphasizes the degree which we have to remain vigilant when it comes to dealing with these kinds of acts of senseless violence or terrorism. >> dhs just briefed lawmakers on what is happening in canada and
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across the u.s. pete king will join us in a moment with that. first, we go live to catherine herridge reporting to us from washington. catherine. >> megyn, tonight a counterterrorism source confirms a possible photo of the suspect has been posted online. investigators are reviewing it at this hour as we await confirmation. the government also says the 32-year-old's real name is michael joseph hall describing him as a convert to islam as investigators drilled down on his social media traffic for connections to known extremists including the individual blamed for this hit-and-run in neighboring quebec on monday which killed one soldier and seriously injured another. the information that the shooter also known as michael zehaf-bibeau was shared earlier today in this law enforcement bulletin portions were obtained by fox news as canadian authorities confirm there was no advance warning, the signature of a lone wolf operation. >> i think that from our
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reaction i think it's caught by surprise. >> how is that possible? >> again, it's too early to get to the bottom of all the details of what transpired. it's an ongoing police operation. >> tonight the secretary of homeland security jeh johnson is receiving regular updates as those fbi field offices have been told to raise their level of vigilance given today's shooting. and last week's joint intelligence bulletin warning military and law enforcement of a spike in isis chatter calling for attacks. a counterterrorism source says a similar pattern has been seen in the last five days leading up to today's incident with a spike in chatter targeting canada after it joined the coalition to fight isis. but to be clear there has been no claim of responsibility yet for today's shooting, megyn. >> catherine, thank you. moments ago canada's prime minister addressing his nation saying in no uncertain terms this was terror. listen. >> fellow canadians, in the days to come we will learn more about
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the terrorist and any accomplices he may have had. but this week's events are a grim reminder that canada is not immune to the types of terrorist attacks we have seen elsewhere around the world. we are also reminded that attacks on our security personnel and on our institutions of governance are by their very nature attacks on our country, on our values, on our society, on us canadians as a free and democratic people who embrace human dignity for all. but let there be no misunderstanding, we will not be intimidated. canada will never be intimidated. >> my next guests were at the scene moments after the soldier was shot. john iveson and senior correspondent for media on parliament hill. thank you so much for being here. john, let me start with you. you sent out a tweet today that
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read, canada has just lost its innocence. what did you mean? >> well, that may have been a bit naive. there have obviously been terrorist incidents in canada from day one of its existence. but i do think we've always tilted a little bit towards openness and accessibility in our public institutions. it was a threat to the parliament people were going to charge in and cut the prime minister's head off. despite that people are very surprised here today and i don't think they should be because really the level of security, you know, in the house when they shot the assailant, but for them to get that far a bit concerning. >> the country in canada had just sent out a pamphlet you had written about urging people to be careful about their language and abandon linkage, avoid terms
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as islamic terrorism, and you'd been critical of the unwillingness to recognize that link when it exists. your thoughts tonight. >> well, i think that the attacks, both attacks this week show that that linkage is acceptable at times. it's foolish to say there is no islamic terrorism when you've got a group called the islamic state out there beheading people, american citizens, british citizens and saying what they're doing, they are doing in the name of islam. when you've got a man born and raised in quebec running down two canadian soldiers and calling 911 saying he's doing it in the name of allah. or this man today gunning down a canadian soldier then attempting to gun down politicians. he came very close to killing a whole bunch of politicians who were meeting in caucus rooms just off the hallway he ran down. and he was linked to islam, linked to a couple of different mosques that have questions raised ability them. >> john, you were on the scene
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as the events were unfolding today and saw among other things the soldier shortly after he had been shot by this man, they say islam. he was shouting something after he shot him. did the witnesses say what they heard him shouting? and describe the scene as you saw it. >> well, i arrived about three or four minutes after the shooting. a local nurse and other people attending to the fellow soldier. he was a member -- he was wearing a kilt. they carried him to the ambulance just past me. it was obvious he was not doing well. he had a big chest wound bleeding badly. i spoke to a couple eyewitnesses who said, yeah, the guy point-blank range shot him. and then raised -- he had a sort of face mask on. he lowered it and raised his rifle and shouted something. but they were inside. they were overlooking the war memorial. so we can only speculate what he was shouting.
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i think we know what he was shouting though. >> well, there's speculation about whether it was al ak bar which we heard other converts to islam who are jihadis, but there's been no testimonial to that effect. just want to make that clear. brian, i want to ask you whether -- i know you talked to eyewitnesses and know you were on scene moments after as well. was there any warning? was there any opportunity to bargain? was there any exchange as far as you've heard between the gunman and the victim? >> between the gunman and the victim? no. i don't think corporal cirillo had a chance. i believe he was pounced upon. these are ceremonial guard duties. they are standing at attention or standing at ease with an unloaded rifle that's used just for drill purposes. a lot of people will question why they'll use an unloaded rifle, but it's someone that used to be in the military that's been on drill teams. you don't use a loaded weapon
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for drill just because of things that can go wrong as you perform your drills. that's why he had an unloaded weapon. he didn't have a chance. and from there the gunman getting in a car and running through the front doors of parliament, that was the only chance that, you know, after people started to react that there was really a chance to deal with the gunman and the sergeant at arms, kevin vickers, retired member of the royal canadian mounted police taking him down according to reports from members of parliament on the scene. >> john, there were reports today that perhaps two men were seen in this man's getaway vehicle, that he got into reportedly after he shot the first victim. did you hear reports to that effect? have they been confirmed? >> yeah, after the shooting i went to parliament hill. we were standing next to the car the apparently used in the attack. a gentleman said he saw two people, sometimes unreliable,
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but this gentleman said he saw the shooter get out and shoot the guard, get back in the car, turn the car back up towards parliament hill and two men got out and one man down the hill and one to parliament hill. in the last half hour the lockdown has been lifted. >> the mayor saying there was one shooter and he is now dead. they know much more than we do. but as you know you put it canada may have changed today. we will wait and see what happens in the days and weeks ahead. gentlemen, thank you. >> thank you. >> thank you. we also have breaking news from the white house tonight which is also on lockdown at this hour after someone tried to jump the fence in the wake of all this you can imagine how tensions are running high. just a couple of hours ago. ed henry is live next. also with more on the president. plus, congressman peter king joins us in moments on what he just learned about this attack in canada and why we are raising
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our own alerts here in the united states. it's only different facilities. that's next. >> i don't know. a bunch of gunshots. >> a guy with a shotgun? >> yeah. i saw him coming -- big day? ah, the usual. moved some new cars. hauled a bunch of steel. kept the supermarket shelves stocked. made sure everyone got their latest gadgets. what's up for the next shift? ah, nothing much. just keeping the lights on. (laugh) nice. doing the big things that move an economy. see you tomorrow, mac. see you tomorrow, sam. just another day at norfolk southern.
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breaking tonight, the white house is on lockdown after a yet-to-be identified man scaled and jumped over the north lawn fence. this is exclusive fox news video right here. he was quickly swarmed by uniformed secret service officers and handcuffed. imagine a fence jumper in the middle of these concerns. ed henry in our bureau because of this lockdown at the white
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house. ed. >> that's right, megyn. because it's been on lockdown we understand the last few moments. they've just reopened the white house gates. bottom line is as you say the positive side of this it appears the secret service reacted much quicker this time and fence jumper got nowhere close to the actual entrance of the white house. this time, the president unlike last time, was there with the first family. so thankfully as you can see from that exclusive fox video that the intruder was caught very quickly. we're told the suspect is at a local hospital for evaluation. the much bigger security scare today of course was in canada though. this horrific attack that you've been talking about interesting the president in his comments a few hours ago did not call it a terror attack. white house officials say that's because they're still trying to get more information, actually get the details of investigation. but with the fbi putting out this alert to field offices across the country basically saying be vigilant, be on the look out because of potential
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threats. i pressed josh earnest on whether this was a retaliatory terror attack because of the u.s.-led coalition against isis. listen. >> how concerned the president may be about the campaign against isis maybe turned around where isis may be trying to wage war not just against us but against our allies. >> i can say in a general matter a couple of things. the first is, the united states for quite some time now has been cognizant of the threat posed by foreign fighters or by individuals who could be radicalized in this country. the effort to counter violent extremism is something the administration has focused on for years. >> key fact it was only two weeks ago the canadian parliament voted to join the coalition against isis with air troops and that is something investigators will be looking at very closely. >> my next guest has been getting briefed by members of the intel community today. new york congressman peter king is member of the homeland
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security committee and chairman of the subcommittee on counterterrorism intelligence. he also serves on the permanent select committee on intelligence. i know you have several sources in law enforcement with whom you've been in contact. explain to the audience why we now have an fbi alert to all of the field offices, norad which overseas air defenses, the u.s. embassy in ottawa is on lockdown, the canadian embassy in washington, d.c. is also on lockdown. do we have something specifically to fear? >> there are real concerns because there has been an increase in chatter over the last week because of the fact isis has made it clear are going back over several weeks now that they want to attack military personnel and their families because of the fact attacks on the homeland and also in canada. that's why we see for instance the increase of security at the tomb of the unknown soldier today. that's why consults in this country, any location which could be deemed a terrorist target is receiving extra
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security. you mentioned nypd. they certainly have increased security at the canadian consulate. you're going to see i believe an increase in security throughout the country, certainly at any target that could be considered targeted by the terrorists because they are very out to get us. they are very concerned about the fact that canada, for instance, has joined us in the coalition. and as far as the air strikes in syria -- or iraq. this is really a key moment. we don't know if it was just one person in canada, two people, three or whether it's part of a large coordinated network that's been carrying out a series of attacks. >> this man not only reportedly converted to islam shortly before this but recently designated high risk traveler. his passport was seized by the government. the same as the man who killed the canadian soldier on monday. and canada had just raised threat level on friday.
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they knew something was coming, and yet they didn't prevent it. the man wlo killed the soldier on monday was being followed by authorities. i know they say lone wolf terrorism is the toughest kind of terrorism to fight, but do we have to sit back and let it happen? sk >> no, we have to be more aggressive. the fact that the canadians were aware of at least one of these terrorists to me shows that we have to have greater surveillance. we can't be sitting back and being passive. we can't be somehow hoping it's not going to happen. they are serious about this. we saw in canada the canadian soldier just the other day by a muslim convert. this apparently was a muslim convert that carried out these brutal attacks today. the lockdowns still throughout ottawa shows they are very concerned that there could be a larger network here out to carry out a series of attacks.
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isis says they're going to do it, we have to assume they will and we have to be much more aggressive. >> congressman, good to see you. up next, why we have added security at the tomb o o o o o o ♪ all around the world the dedicated people of united airlines ♪ are there to support you. ♪ that's got your back friendly. ♪
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to a uniformed soldier with an unloaded gun at the canadian war memorial, a man who patrols there, and shot him multiple times in the chest. trace gallagher has more on this part of the story. trace. >> megyn, the ceremonial guard on parliament hill in ottawa dates back to 1959 and modeled after the guard at buckingham palace. the guard is made up of some 400 members of canada's military forces. the canadian army had just resumed taking over for the royal canadian navy. the guard commitment to honor those who fought for their country. the reservist identified as corporal nathan cirillo, called his fellow soldiers his family and often posted military photos on social media. his friends and family call him a proud soldier, proud father and animal lover. and now a public facebook page has been set up in his honor and has quickly filled with prayers
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and condolences. the ceremonial guard does carry a weapon, but it's fairly well known that it is not loaded. so at the time he was attacked, corporal cirillo was standing there unarmed. here's a witness to the attack. listen. >> a guy came from the side on my left hand side and came out with a rifle and shot at the man. then the guy went falling down and everybody was just in shock. couldn't believe that something like this could just happen or be real. it was just beyond realism. >> soldiers with the armed forces have now been told not to wear their uniforms in public and to limit the number of stops they make when they leave their military bases all over canada and go home, megyn. >> incredible. and to know they're ramping up security at arlington national cemetery at the tomb of our own known soldier.
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trace, thank you. today easter ror in canada is also putting a new focus on the recruitment of would-be militants. up next, an eye opening investigation into a mosque in minneapolis and buck sexton is here on what we are learning now exactly about this man shot dead after unleashing hell in canada today. plus, a bombshell new autopsy report just released in the ferguson shooting 18-year-old michael brown. the new details of the final moments between brown and officer darren wilson. and it is a stunning turn in the case. [ gunfire ] (vo) you are a business pro. maestro of project management. baron of the build-out. you need a permit... to be this awesome. and from national. because only national lets you choose any car in the aisle... and go. and only national is ranked highest in car rental customer satisfaction by j.d. power.
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level 2! start with a quote from esurance and you could save money on car insurance in half the time. welcome to the modern world. esurance, backed by allstate. click or call. breaking tonight, america ramping up security measures here at home after a terrorist attack kills a canadian soldier. we are learning the suspect was a recent convert to islam just
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as the man who killed another canadian soldier on monday was also a recent convert to islam. and in a "the kelly file" investigation we are tonight taking a closer look at how some radical groups are recruiting right here on u.s. soil. fox news correspondent mike tobin live for us tonight in chicago. mike. >> megyn, particularly as it relates to minnesota, somalis end up converting but largely get to the united states and find out the western world is not as easy as it seems. you can end up with someone who is poor, stagnant and growing angry, particularly with young people. that is exactly who the radicals are looking to recruit. came to the states when he was 10, he's seen young somalis growing up in america with no direction, no drive. >> some kids don't even go to school. (v they wake up in the morning and they have their bags on standing in the street.
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>> as they get older, don't get rich and the american dream looks like a myth, recruiters from groups like al shabaab and lately isis, find challenges on fertile ground. >> this is an opportunity for isis to come in and recruit these individuals. >> reporter: the recruitment happenslargely over social media teaching disaffected youth to hate western values. some of it is local through shadowy clandestine efforts. still, some of it is very up front. this message posted within the last few months on the somali memo website, according to a source it is from a minneapolis mosque, translated by our source the message says in part, all infidels are connected, american funds are paying for american kids to fly drones like they're playing a game and kill. andy lugar is pioneering an outreach program to communicate with mosques as well as the
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somali community. but local activists say law enforcement is only reaching the moderates, not the radicals. >> no, they don't. there's no question. they are trying to understand, but they didn't get it. >> reporter: local somalis say the radicals will tell the authorities what they want to hear then tell young somali immigrants the glory of jihad. >> nobody's going to play me. i've got a job to do. and if there are people on the ground in minnesota recruiting and paying for this terrorist activity, we're going to get them. >> and so the potential of a home grown attack needs to be addressed. and all andy lugar can say about that is that all of the resources of the fbi, homeland security and local police are on the job. megyn. >> mike tobin, thank you. want to let you know the state department now reacting directly to this terrorist attack in canada. secretary of state john kerry calling it heinous and evil, a
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heinous and evil attack and saying the u.s. and canada will continue to work closely together to counter "violent extremism." not going so far as to call this a terrorist attack as the canadian prime minister did. remember, canada announced that it would be sending military advisors to iraq on september 5. just weeks later on september 20th we heard this call. we don't normally run terrorist propaganda, but we're going to run a very short bit so you can see what everyone's been referencing to you tonight. this is from an isis spokesman. [ speaking in a foreign language ] >> you could see there canada being specifically singled out. and just a short time later canada vote to begin air strikes in that region. earlier this week we saw a man who became motivated by
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extremist ideology, running his car into two canadian soldiers, killing one of them. and now this today. buck sexton, former cia officer and former intel division specialist for the nypd. excuse me. i'm on the tail end of a cold. you say this is an elevation of what we've seen before in canada. explain. >> well, they're going after a government facility. this isn't the classic soft target or among the softer targets you would look for would be a populated civilian area. they're going to be armed individuals. and we saw actually that's why this attack ended without more casualties. this could have been a mass casualty occasion. seems like this wasn't a lone wolf occasion or seems there was the possibility of some individuals were facilitating if not actively taking part in the attack. those are enhancements from what we're generally seeing in terms of what's going on -- generally speaking with attacks we've seen here and some of the allied countries. >> the audience is going to have to forgive me. got to give me a minute to break. we'll be right back. [ female announcer ] hands were made for talking.
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i'm still here. it's just argc5llaojyr,?@cold. try to work through it. thank you for bearing with us. buck sexton is still here with me. sorry for my rude interruption, buck. but i want to ask you because5e& home grownháhp &hc% attacks are actually part of a÷k broade
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isis strategy. explain it. >> on one hand they want to make it a test of will. they want to extract a price for our foreign policy although they know that's not actually going to change our policy. but with our allies they think they may actually have a shot. if they hit for example canada or another country allied with us taking action in iraq or syria that maybe they'll change the way they're approaching things. this happened in spain in 2004. they backed out of the coalition. that's a tried and true strategy. they of course also just want to kill as many nonbelievers as they can. this is taking jihadp home against us. this is making home front attacks one of their primary goals right now. >> how radicalized is canada? >> canada has a fairly established radical community when you talk about these different kinds of groups and cells, you have stretching back actually for some years somali support for al shabaab for example coming out of canada, even camel tigers in canada. you have many different groups coming out of canada engaged in this activity. >> there's been plots, but only plots. they haven't been hit.
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>> this is obviously an elevation for the threat against canada and because of canada's entry into the coalition of the more than willing as it's been called by john kerry in actually taking action in iraq and syria. we're going to see more of this. their going to try to chip away our allies and make us think we're alone in this mission. >> what do you make of the fact secretary kerry calling it violent extremisextremism, ther reason he didn't go so far as to say terrorism. >> so far i think it's good he hasn't called it workplace violence. the administration is very, very slow to say what we all know is obvious which is this is islamic extremism. this is terrorism. that couldn't be more obvious. with the way they're trying to handle this, we can only mitigate this threat, megyn. we can't actually entirely eliminate and that and we need to be aware of that. we're lucky this didn't turn into a mumbai style attack. >> you should have seen buck's face when i had my coughing.
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he's like i don't know what to do. >> i just wanted to help. >> you're very sweet. i have a few glasses of waters and these ricolas. it's awkward to put it in your mouth and broadcast. will they let me do the news like that? i don't think they will. buck, good to see you. >> thanks. we have breaking news from ferguson, missouri where protesters are in a showdown with police. today the official autopsy was released on michael brown, the 18-year-old ferguson man shot dead by officer darren wilson. and what a story it is. trace gallagher has it tonight. trace. >> megyn, the official autopsy's very similar to the independent autopsy commissioned by the brown family and done by dr. michael baden back in august. there's one very distinct difference. the ingent autopsy showed there was no gunshot residue on michael brown's body. this autopsy says there was gunshot residue on brown's hand indicating that he was shot at
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close range, or as san francisco forensic pathologist dr. judy mellinik, if he has gun powder particlat in the wound, this guy is reaching for the gun. that supports the story of officer wilson as it was told by a friend of wilson's to the dana lash radio show. listen to this. >> of course darren grabs for his gun, michael grabs the gun at one point he's got the gun totally turned against his hip and darren shoves it away and the gun goes off. >> ferguson police earlier confirmed that officer wilson did have wounds to his face supporting the officer's story of being punched. and remember the man who was with michael brown when they were stopped, dorian johnson? he claims brown was shot while running away. listen. >> his weapon was already drawn when he got out of the car. he shot again, and as my friend felt that shot he turned around and put his hands in the air and he started to get down, but the
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officer still approached with his weapon drawn and he fired couple more shots. >> ahh, but the official autopsy shows that brown was not running away when he was shot. he was facing the officer. the autopsy does not answer the key question of whether brown was charging or standing still when he was killed. megyn. >> trace, thank you. joining me now with more on this new bombshell report, mark furhman, former l.a. police homicide detective and fox contributor and benjamin crumb. we begin with mr. crumb. your reaction to this, sir, that they are now concluding that michael brown did not have his hands up as the eyewitnesses, some of them, suggested. >> well, i don't know if that's the conclusion they've drawn at all, megyn. i think this leaked information has suggested they don't know. but you have -- >> no, let me just -- let's not mislead the audience. >> i don't want to mislead anybody. >> i just want to make sure
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because what the autopsy says is not in dispute. and what judy -- the forensic pathologist said is that one of the officer's shot his brown's forearm to the back of the -- which means brown's palms could not have been facing wilson. that trajectory shows that brown probably was not taking a standard surrender position, she said. >> well, i will let dr. baden handle that. they have the police version against several eyewitnesses. i really wish family really wish this wouldn't have been grand jury, we wish it was transparent so all could be vetted by the police officer as well as the family of the unarmed dead teenager. that's what due process is. >> i get that. the leaks -- hard to respond to leaks. >> you understand the due process. it is. and it's so unfair to the family who only wants to say let all
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the evidence play out. let everybody see it. >> a lot of people think this is laying the foundation for what is likely to be a grand jury decision not to indict, maybe these leaks are coming out to lay that foundation. i want to ask you there because the other thing the autopsy confirms is that michael brown appears to have struggled with officer wilson and supports -- this is quote, supports the fact that michael brown was reaching for the gun if he had that gun powder particulate in the wound. they had a struggle in the car before michael brown ran. and that is apparently how michael brown took the first bullet in the hand while he was struggling with officer wilson. many people say that's ball game. you fight with a cop over his gun, what happens thereafter is on you, not him. >> well, you know, it's very interesting. they why again you want it to be transparent to come out because the witnesses say you have
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dorian johnson there and the witness who was right behind him says the police, there was a brief encounter. darren said the police tried to grab him after detaining him, he struggled to get away and that's when there was two shots. he didn't know if michael brown was shot, but they ran. and they were fleeing and the question that everybody has asked is, well, why did he keep shooting and then when he put his hands in the air why did he keep shooting because you have seven witnesses who gave eyewitness testimony. and then you have the police version. that's why it should be in a courtroom where people can vet the witnesses and vet the police account. but right now we don't have that. >> well, it's happening. we don't have it. >> no, no, we don't have that. the grand jury -- the prosecutor is saying that they're not even presenting anything. they're just putting all their evidence out there. in a traditional case, based on our constitution, you have a right to trial by jury and you have a right -- >> you make it sound like a grand jury proceeding is bias against michael brown.
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typically it's bias in favor of an indictment. >> typically, megyn. typically. this prosecutor -- this prosecutor's doing it differently than any other -- and you're a lawyer. you know prosecutors normally come to a grand jury with their theory and they suggest what the evidence -- this prosecutor isn't doing that. he's not trying to get a prosecution. >> how do you know that? you don't know that. >> because he said it. he said he's not going to recommend charges. >> he's going to present the -- why should he recommend charges if he doesn't think charges are appropriate? he's presenting the evidence and the eyewitness testimonial and the grand jury will decide to indict or not. >> yeah, you know, megyn, traditionally a prosecutor if they have any conflict they'll step aside. they'll let a special prosecutor do it so it can be done in the traditional way and people can have faith in the system and say it works equal for everybody. >> the autopsy is not done by a partisan person. this is done by somebody with no stake whatsoever. and this person says that
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michael brown reached for the gun. i got to go, mr. crumb. he has a turn to. great to see you. thank you for being here. as always. up next, we have one more block in the show and in it we will seek with detective mark furhman and shares what he found inininininin ah! come on! let's hide in the attic. no. in the basement. why can't we just get in the running car? are you crazy? let's hide behind the chainsaws. smart. yeah. ok. if you're in a horror movie, you make poor decisions. it's what you do. this was a good idea. shhhh. be quiet. i'm being quiet. you're breathing on me! if you want to save fifteen percent or more on car insurance, you switch to geico. it's what you do. head for the cemetery! we mean it. the all-new chrysler 200 is all-new, we used the latest tools and built a new state of the art manufacturing plant. we gave it new, smart technology.
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we challenged conventional thinking with a more intuitive design. and we set new expectations of what an american sedan can be. the all-new chrysler 200. america's import. they all lost their lives because of preventable medical errors, now the third leading cause of death. only heart disease and cancer take more lives. proposition 46 will save lives with drug and alcohol testing to make sure impaired doctors don't treat someone you love. safeguards against prescription drug abuse. and holds the medical industry accountable for mistakes. i'm barbara boxer. let's save lives. vote yes on 46.
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joining me now with more, mark furhman. mark, let me ask you this. just because the autopsy seems to prove there was a struggle at the car and michael brown had his hand on this officer's gun. that doesn't necessarily justify the shooting after the fact, does it? >> yes and no. at that point michael brown, he is clearly the aggressor and the suspect. officer wilson never had an opportunity to do anything
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except for sit in his car. so once they have a grappling, wrestling match and a fight over the gun, the gun goes off, michael brown's wounded. and the officer gets out of the car. he knows that this man just tried to disarm him. and he can only assume just from his training that the object was to kill him. now he is trying to effect an arrest. and when this suspect turns on him and starts to charge him, he has a man that he doesn't know if he is armed, and he is not willing to go through the same situation and be disarmed again trying to fight a man and protect his weapon. >> but -- let me ask you this. but i want to ask you this. >> okay. >> i pressed mr. krump the other side, i want to press you with michael brown's side. several witnesses said that officer wilson fired at brown while he was running away. no one who's been quoted
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publicly has said that michael brown was charging wilson. one guy was overheard on tape, but no one's come out and said it publicly other than this one guy overheard on tape and the officer reportedly claims that. why would a man already shot in the hand running away from the cop stop after he's maybe been shot by him as he's running, turn around and start charging him? >> well, why would a man attack an officer in the car and punch him and try to disarm him? so that gives him the window right there. but as far as what you're asking when you look at eyewitness testimony, especially sympathetic eyewitness testimony, the person that was shot by the police, it's sometimes unreliable at best and then it gets worse from there. so the forensic evidence has trumped all the statements that his hands were up or he was running away. his hands were not up and he was not running away. >> it's amazing how dorian
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johnson said -- >> what michael brown did -- well, dorian johnson could be terribly mistaken or worse. dorian johnson also has -- he's got a horse in the race. he's a co-suspect on a robbery. and actually he's a co-suspect in this shooting of michael brown because he is actually a suspect in one of the reasons officer wilson stopped his vehicle. >> we will hear much more. but if they are laying the foundation for a failure to return an indictment, this situation is far from over in ferguson, missouri. mark, it's always great to see you. sort of had a rap thing going on, i don't know, what do you call that when they do that? what is it? i don't know. i'm so not hip.
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so i'm done. got my ricolas and don't feel like i need to say more. follow me on twitter. let me know what you think. stay tuned, sean hannity's got everything you need to know about what happened in canada today.
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this is a fox news alert. the prime minister addressed the nation, the shooter has been identified as a canadian with a long rap sheet and a recent convert to islam. norrad which provides air defense is increasing its alert readiness and number of planes ready to respond to any threats. i'm lauren green. now, back to "hannity" and for all of the news headlines log on to fox he's live next. [ gunfire ]